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Improving of Authentication Mechanism in IMS Environment By Integration Hop By Hop And End To End Model  

1 Maisam Mohammadian, 2Nasser Mozayani,

1* Msc Student, IUST, Iran

2Nasser Mozayani Assistant professor, IUST, Iran

Email: 1maisam_mohamamdian@yahoo.com, 2 Mozayanii@iust.ac.ir
Abstract .SIP protocol is the standard signaling that developed for multimedia services and the interface between IMS servers and Existence defined. Integration of telecommunication networks and increase services based on sip protocol, we will feel more the need to increase the security level of this protocol. As current sample security mechanisms can be pointed to the End To End and Hop By Hop. In this manuscript we combination End To End and Hop By Hop models and present new model that called Hybrid. our propose based on mathematic relationship and new installation key. We implementation our propose by AVISPA software and then compare all of the result same as procedure time, overhead insure device and security holes that exit in, this model compared to previous models has been improved by this model.
Keywords : IMS network, hybrid model, mutual authentication
 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.7321/jscse.v2.n9.3  

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