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User Interface Design for E-Learning Software  
Behnam Faghih1,Mohammad Reza Azadehfar2,Serajddin Katebi3
*1, Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, Islamic Azad University, Boushehr Branch, Boushehr, Iran,  Email :
2, Faculty of Music, University of the Arts (Tehran), Email :
3, Faculty of Computer, Shiraz University, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Email :
Abstract .User interface (UI) is point of interaction between user and computer software. The success and failure of a software application depends on User Interface Design (UID). Possibility of using a software, easily using and learning are issues influenced by UID. The UI is significant in designing of educational software (e-Learning). Principles and concepts of learning should be considered in addition to UID principles in UID for e-learning. In this regard, to specify the logical relationship between education, learning, UID and multimedia at first we readdress the issues raised in previous studies. It is followed by examining the principle concepts of e-learning and UID. Then, we will see how UID contributes to e-learning through the educational software built by authors. Also we show the way of using UI to improve learning and motivating the learners and to improve the time efficiency of using e-learning software.
Keywords : e-Learning ; User Interface Design ; Self learning

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